The Mentor

to Millions

Rediscover Your True Wealth... $149   (4 DVD's and Workbook on CD) 

What 1 thing do you crave most? Do you really want it? Are you ready for it? See the world in new ways ~ through the eyes of success. Today, only 10% of individuals are on purpose and passionate about what they do. Now, you can bring Keith's live event home! This amazing package includes 4 DVD's (over 6 hours of content) along with a 30-page workbook so you can create your goals, affirmations, and mission statement for life!

Gain control of your life                    Enhance relationships                       Achieve your full potential 

  Increase your energy                Become a peak performer                           Sustain Happiness

Have increased energy, feel reenergized about relationships and have more passion for life!

7 Secrets to Fulfillment ... $21
(1-hour CD)

Have you ever said, "I could really use some motivation!"? YES! Then, you must get the 7 Secrets Keith is anxious to share with you! When you recieve and understand these 7 secrets, breakthroughs await. Learn how to take very specific action steps by applying the proven strategies used by the most successful leaders of our time. These seven areas will give you the clarity and power to achieve a life of true purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.You will see your purpose, commit to achievement, and contribute your passion to world. Feel the energy! Better all relationships! Find the joy in a healthy self-image! Grow your business!

Psychology of Success ... $21
(1-hour CD)

Do you want a map to success? Some simple steps already planned out just for you? Get the necessary mindset to take those steps ~ to achieve your goals. All of your goals! Keith shares with you his Blueprint for Success. Keith's Blueprint (which has helped tens of thousands of individuals achieve a life of true wealth and abundance) will guide you through the steps you must take to achieve your individual success. He gets you ready to see what is waiting whey you open the door labeled "action." Yes, your first step equals outstanding results!

Keith has a great message for living your life with boldness anad clarity. He overflows with nuggets of wisdom that you can immediately incorporate into your life.
- Tommy Gibbs, TN

CD's and DVD's

Live As If  ... $12
(10-minute CD that will change how you think)

In this 10-minute visualization, you will gain your life! Who knew 10 minutes could pack such inspiration? Keith did! It's the steps you've been waiting to take. On this journey, you will see the life you want, hear

yourself achieving that your goals, get to experience the feeling of overcoming, smell success ~ you can taste it! This CD will help you take the most important step of your life.

Whatever your success, even with a million great things are happening in your life, there's always something you can (and want to) improve in your life. Keith Froehling helps you do that.  He gives you the tools you need and desire. Apply those tools and you'll see results. Let Keith be your coach, mentor, personal trainer, and guide as you transform your life.

Those who continually achieve success have 1 big thing in common ~ they're hungry, they want it.  They keep going. Their focus is on how to create and maintain momentum. With that kind of drive, they will always achieve success. What are you looking for? Want to have Keith sent your office, business, or home? Now ~ you can. 

Here is an overview of KFI CD's and DVD's ~ so you know what is the best fit for you!

Keith's CD's and DVD's